Computer Problems

The frustrations of technology. I am a person that loves all the modern conviences that the world has to offer, and fairly knowledgable about the workings of these modern technologies like the digital cameras, computers, smart phones and etc. But the other day for reasons unknown to me my Adobe computer software shut down in the middle of working some images for the client. It popped up and error that the program had stopped working and needed to shut down. Well when I tried opening it gave me the message that the software was not installed. I tried reinstalling the software, that did not work. I did some research and learned that the software would need to be deactivated and then uninstalled completely before I should try and reinstall. Too make a long story short, I tried this as well, believing I had done everything correctly for it still not to work. I got online to and their tech support too learn that they website was temporaly unavailable for updating. How frustrating. So I googled how to deactive and reinstall, and finally get some answers. I would have to run a clean script, and then reinstall everything. I did it! I got my Adobe Creative Suite back up and working however, thinking my troubles were over, I found out they were only beginning.
All of my plugins for the Adobe Creative Suite were no longer available as well. I pretty much had all the complication of reinstalling them as well, it was not as easy as putting the software dvd in and telling to run.
Well after countless hours of working on trying to get everything working again, I think I am back to work. I am keeping my fingers crossed anyways. Now if I can only catch up on all the work I am now behind.
Thanks for your patience.


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