East Height CDO Customers!

For those of you that have been placing orders online thru my website, I have not received any. I repeat, I have not received any. If I had received them you should of received an email from me with a confirmation.
I am not sure of what the problem was, but I have contacted my hosting company and if there was a problem it is now fixed.
I would like to take the opportunity to walk you thru the ordering process because you have several options of ordering.
1. You can call and give me your order over the phone.
2. You can send me an email at nowakphotography@sktc.net with the appropriate information; Quanity, Size and proof number or package.
3. You can order online directly from your ONLINE GALLERY, using the add to cart and shopping cart feature.
4. You can mail order in with your check.
5. You can return your order and check to CDO, and they will get the order to me.

For those of you wanting to ORDER ONLINE here are the steps and procedure to follow:
Log into your online gallery.
As you look at the images, you will notice across the top in the upper left is the file name, and in the upper right is the option to add to cart.
When you have located the images you would like to purchase click in the upper right hand corner on the add to cart.
Once you have added all the images you are wanting to purchase, CLICK on the shopping cart icon in the Bottom right corner of the page.
This will pull up all the images you added to cart on the screen

Across the top of the images is buttons for all the steps to complete your order. Do NOT press EXIT...all information will be lost and I will not receive your order

STEP ONE: EDIT ORDER you select Package/Size and Quanity for each image.

STEP TWO: YOUR INFO you will then be asked you enter you personal information. Email, name, phone, and mailing address.

STEP THREE: REVIEW ORDER show you what you have ordered, if you need to make changes go back to step one, if order is correct move on to Step Four.

STEP FOUR: COMPLETE ORDER this will give you your grand total, and Proceed with Order Press send order button

STEP FIVE: SEND ORDER reminds you that you will be contacted to complete this order.



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